Urban Escape Healing

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Urban Escape Healing

Opening hours

3020 W. Armitage Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60647
Our Booking PolicyWe understand that you have individual needs and are intentional to craft each session with care. No matter what you choose, we will assess and discuss options to make sure you get what you need.




Urban Escape Healing holds space for the individual seeking a more clear and connected life. We come together to deepen our understanding and awareness of our mind/body/spirit. As we learn and evolve, we can find a more meaningful flow in life. We explore a variety of healing methods inspired by ancient wisdom and modern application. Our use of the senses and the elements help you remember which you are. Our organic and custom approach creates an experience that harnesses the healing power of your body.

Our sessions introduce people to a holistic understanding. The simple is celebrated and every effort is made to keep these teachings accessible. We provide a sacred space for people to explore themselves in a genuine way. There is NO judgment / NO dogma. We are a community that shares love and provides support as you become more accountable for your healing. We exist as a reminder to slow down and listen, bringing peace and a sense of greater purpose. It is amazing what one can do with better flow in their body, system, and life.

We are the change we seek in this world, and by living a life of compassion and awareness we harmonize with all. We believe that if you have a space to heal yourself, you may have an opportunity to share it with others. And that feels so good!

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